I General information

1. The administrator of your personal data (data provided in the registration form, contact form or order, “Cookies” and other data processed in our services) is Elhurt Sp. z o.o. with registered office in Gdańsk, at Galaktyczna 35 a, 80-299 Gdańsk, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court Gdańsk – Północ in Gdańsk, VII Commercial Department of the National Court Register under the number: 0000204930, hereinafter: “Administrator”.

2. You can contact the Administrator by writing to the address: Galaktyczna 35 a, 80-299 Gdańsk or to the e – mail address: elhurt@elhurt.com.pl.

3. The legal basis for the processing of your data by the Administrator is:

a. an agreement between you and the Administrator, the conclusion of which occurs as a result of the acceptance of the Regulations and for the processing of which your data is necessary or

b. sale concluded via the Administrator’s online store, for the processing of which your data is necessary or

c. your consent in case of contact via one of the contact forms on our websites or

d. a legitimate interest of the Administrator to process your data for marketing purposes.

4. The Administrator guarantees the confidentiality of all personal data provided to him.

5. Your personal data is processed only for purposes related to the implementation of the aforementioned agreements and to take the necessary actions before their conclusion or in connection with the legitimate interest of the Administrator for the marketing of its products or services.

6. Submission of personal data is voluntary, however, failure to provide it or failure to consent
on some functionalities (“Cookies”) will result in the inability conclude and implement the contracts or the use of Administrator’s services.

7. Your data will be stored for no longer than necessary, until you cancel your consent to processing or until you request its removal. This does not apply to situations in which processing is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation that requires processing under the law or to establish, assert or defend claims.

8. The Administrator will provide your data to the recipients involved in hosting, courier, accounting, debt collection, insurance, legal, marketing, recruitment, IT and administrative services as well as payment system providers for transactions concluded via the online store.

9. The Administrator will transfer your data to third countries (USA), however, these will only be entities certified with the EU-US Privacy Shield (Google, Facebook, Linkedin). You have the right to obtain copies of such data.

10. You also have the right to request the Administrator to access your data, rectify it, transfer and delete it, as well as the right to limit data processing. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory body in connection with the processing of your personal data.

11. Based on your personal data, the Administrator will make automated decisions to you, including decisions resulting from profiling, but only in the selection of the language version of the website and advertising offer based on your previous transactions and inquiries or other activity on the Administrator’s sites. These decisions do not have legal consequences for you and do not affect your situation in a similar way.

12. You may right at any time to object – due to reasons related to your special situation – to the processing of your personal data resulting from the legitimate interests of the Administrator, including profiling. You have the right not to be subject to a decision that is based solely on automated processing, including profiling, and has legal or similar effects on you.

II Cookies

1. The Administrator, as the owner of the elhurtcompl.zjed.pl website and other related websites referred to in this service, may use “Cookies” files when using these services. By using them and accepting this Privacy Policy you agree to the use of “Cookies”.

2. “Cookies” files are small information, sent by a website that we visit and save on the terminal device (computer, laptop, smartphone) that we use when browsing the web.

3. In “Cookies”, consisting of a number of letters and numbers, there are various information necessary for the proper functioning of websites, such as those requiring authorization – including when logging in to an e-mail account or online store.

4. All websites operating on the Internet – search engines, information and news websites, online stores, websites of state offices and other public institutions, can operate properly through the use of “Cookies”.

5. “Cookies” also enable, among others, remembering our preferences and personalizing websites in terms of displayed content and matching ads. Thanks to “Cookies” it is also possible to register products and services or vote in online questionnaires.

6. Personal data collected using “Cookies” may be collected only for the purpose of performing specific functions for the user, i.e. for example, remembering logging in to the website or remembering the items added to the basket in the online store. Such data is encrypted in a way that prevents access to unauthorized persons.

7. “Cookies” files are used, among others, in order to:

a. ensuring the proper operation of websites (e.g. maintaining the session, choosing the language version, improving the efficiency, speed of websites, ensuring security),

b. analysis of traffic statistics – our company (or our service provider) uses Google Analytics analytical services to find out whether the content we present is useful, what the users are interested in and how you can improve the operation of the Website. This information is used only for statistical purposes. We do not use them to determine the identity of users,

c. displaying advertisements for our products, using social plugins etc. (eg playing Youtube videos, tools for sharing articles on Facebook or LinkedIn, Google Maps).

8. You can withdraw your consent to the use of “Cookies” by selecting the appropriate settings in the browser you are using (in most cases, this option can be found in the Tools or Browser Preferences menu). There are also browser add-ons blocking e.g. Google Analytics. Remember, however, that disabling Cookies may cause difficulties or even make it impossible to use the site.

9. More information about cookies and Google Analytics can be found, for example, on the following websites:

  • http://www.google.com/analytics/learn/privacy.html,
  • http://www.aboutcookies.org,
  • http://www.cookiecentral.com/faq.

III Internet forms

1. You may transfer your personal data to the Administrator using the forms available on our websites:

a. Online shop user account registration forms

The data provided as part of the account registration form are processed in order to enable secure access to the Administrator’s electronic services (login, reminder, password change, purchase and electronic correspondence related to the purchase made). These data will be processed until the user’s account is deleted on our website.

b. Forms of subscription to newsletter

The data provided as part of the subscription form of a given newsletter is processed in order to send the ordered newsletter to the user. The data provided will be processed until your consent is revoked or a request to delete your data is submitted.

c. Contact forms

The data provided as part of the contact form is processed in order to respond to the correspondence sent to us. The data provided in the contact form will be processed until you withdraw your consent or submit a request to delete your data.

d. Recruitment forms

The data provided in this form are processed only for the needs of a specific recruitment and are deleted within three months of its completion. They can, however, be used by the Administrator for the purposes of future recruitment to the same or similar position in the period of one year from the end of the calendar year in which the recruitment process was completed, if you agree to this when completing the form.

2. If you send to the Administrator any e-mail correspondence not related to the services provided on your behalf or other contract concluded with us, personal data contained in this correspondence will be processed only for the purpose of communication and handling of the matter covered by the correspondence. These data will be processed for a reasonable period of time due to the Administrator’s needs, but not longer than until you cancel your consent to process them or request their removal.

IV Other functionalities of websites

Using the Administrator’s services also involves sending queries to the server on which our services are stored. Each query addressed to the server is saved in the server logs. The logs also are collected by the site engine installed on the server and your computer, laptop or other device through which you use the Internet. Logs include user’s IP address, server date and time, information about the web browser and operating system used by the user. Logs are saved and stored on the server, and the data stored therein are not associated with specific persons using the Administrator’s services and are not used by the Administrator to identify the user, but constitute an auxiliary material used to administer the Administrator’s services, and their content is not disclosed to anyone except those authorized to administer the server.

V Children under 16 years of age

We understand the importance of protecting children’s privacy, especially on the Internet. Elhurt Sp. z o.o. services are not intended for children under 16 years of age. One of the principles of Elhurt Sp. z o.o. policy in this respect, it is the abandonment of conscious collection or storage of data on persons under 16 years of age.

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